HELLO an Warm Welcome to Juicy Brands, I am Cydney-Louise co-owner of this small family fun bundle of fun and colour.  
 I work alongside my partner and his family so we really are a little family run shop. 
We make and design everything, literally EVERYTHING ourselves from the colour mixing to punching the holes and all the other special detailing we do. As I said I am Cydney-Louise my role in Juicy Brands is to keep this little wonder running {that would be the website of course) and anything else that requires tech (computer) know how, you could say I have the more easy part out of this partnership. 
 I get to hide in the warm office drinking tea and pop, up-dating this site and sat here making new ribbon designs and also new key-ring's and also new products for YOU. 
So you ask what does Jordan bring to this wonder of Juicy Brands, well let me tell you as he’s busy doing it right now bless him, he makes all the wonderful bands with hard work and time, he AND {his} dad keeps all the equipment we need and use to the standard it needs to be to keep making the bands and other things to top quality. 
 he’s also the more creative out the two of us I may have the designs but he draws it and makes it possible.
 but together we both make the crazy and extra special designs and silly idea's we come up with that could make your everyday so much easier and hopefully that more brighter and bubbly due to the energy and love and ton of colours we put into juicy brands. 
We also have our other hidden gem called Emma I call her our promo's manager she is great at helping us get out and about to all the shops and other small place's that would like bands with logos and other things. 
 I could keep going on about us all day but I feel I will leave you with more to learn about us and what more we bring to our little bubbly project and hope that you click back soon to find out what else we have come up with and what else we have to say about our world called .... JUICY BRANDS

  Have a nice day/afternoon/evening and hope to catch you up soon.... keep posted

Much love, bubbliness and colour

The Juicy Brands Staff

Cyd and Jord

Also Emma to :)

XxXxXxXxX <3 XxXxXxXxX

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